In the world of art and creativity, every stroke of a brush, every line on a canvas, and every emotion evoked holds a unique significance. At UnikArt, our logo is not just a symbol; it’s a reflection of our ethos, values, and the essence of art itself.

The Origin of “Unik”: Unique is Universal

The name “Unik” is not just a play on the word “Unique.” It’s like a universal word, sounding similar in different languages to express the idea of something special. This includes languages such as Dutch, French, and English which come from countries that previously occupied Mauritius before its independence. In Mauritian Creole, “inik” also means unique, showing our focus on presenting exceptional one-of-a-kind artworks.

Art & Emotional Connection

The start of our logo’s design features the letters “u” & “n”. These letters, resembling smileys, embody the emotional states and feelings that artists or collectors go through when creating or experiencing art – happiness & sadness.

The letter u in black on a bright green and accent of copper and gold in palette knife on canvas
Painting of emoji smile outline in black against diagonal palette knife strokes of green and white with hints of gold and copper

Artists often create art in moments of joy and happiness or those of deep thoughts, anger, grief, and sorrow. This is often reflected in their work, which in turn is further experienced by viewers or collectors through the same range of emotions. In essence, making or contemplating art makes you either happy😊or sad😔.

The Golden Touch

Delving deeper into our logo, the inverted letter “i” mimics a paintbrush. An undisputable & common tool for many artists. It points down to bring the idea of creation into play. The golden tip symbolises the inherent value of art and the priceless treasures that artists create, enriching our world with beauty, meaning, and often history.

The Deeper Layers

The visible elements of our logo offer a glimpse of our identity and what we represent as an art establishment. However, to add depth and intrigue, there are a few hidden meanings and symbolism that further made us commit and choose this particular logo and brand. As Aristotle rightly said:

“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.”


In essence, the UnikArt logo is not just a visual representation. It combines artistic passion with emotions and purpose while carrying some level of intrigue. It invites you to explore, engage, and experience art through our brand and our collection of unique artworks.

The UnikArt Team

Join the UnikArt Team on a journey to explore the vibrant art scene of Mauritius. We provide insightful articles, promote talented local artists, and curate original works of art for your collection. Read the blog or visit our shop and invest in unique, original art pieces.